MAEG3030: Fluid Mechanics
This course covers important topics in fluid mechanics. It will introduce the nature of fluids; pressure, hydrostatics, and buoyancy; integral and differential equations of fluid flows; conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; basic mass transfer; inviscid flow, viscous-dominated flows; Navier-Stokes equation; dimensional analysis; internal and external flows, boundary layers, and lift and drag on objects.
For more course information, please visit here.

EEEN2020: Renewable Energy Technologies
This course focuses on scientific and engineering fundamentals of energy resources and conversion technologies, and is designed to give a breadth of understanding energy systems and technologies. This course will provide a basis for subject-specific courses that cover technologies in more depth, covering these topics: global energy sources and flows, solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, biomass energy, thermoelectric, hydrogen, batteries and fuel cells.

MAEG4080: Introduction to Combustion
This course starts with the basic principles that govern combustion phenomena such as conservation of mass, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and the momentum principle. Then students will learn the new applications of these basic principles to account for the chemical transformations. We will discuss the basic concepts of chemical kinetics and the forms of reaction rate laws that apply in combustion processes, as well as mass transport phenomena.

MAEG2020: Engineering Mechanics
This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to:
1) Understanding the basic principles of mechanics to a diverse range of design, analysis, and applications;
2) Development of the ability to model, formulate, and solve engineering problems in a simplified and logical manner;
3) Understanding methodologies that are applicable to the future courses and work.

MAEG5775: Energy and Environment
Trends of global energy consumption and supply. Thermodynamic principles of energy conversion and efficiency, fossil fuel usage, operation of nuclear power plant. Emerging technologies utilizing renewable energy sources, energy harvesting and storage. Impacts to the environment. Energy systems management and government policy.